Name : Laetitia Casta
Date Of Birth : 11th May 1978
Place Of Birth : Pont-Audemer France
Sign :
Hair : Light Brown
Eyes : Blue
Height : 5'8''
Date Of Birth : 11th May 1978
Place Of Birth : Pont-Audemer France
Sign :
Hair : Light Brown
Eyes : Blue
Height : 5'8''
Born and raised in Normandie and Corsica, France, in the middle of an animal-filledforest, Laetitia has a down-home charm that's truly infectious.Her discovery by Paul Marciano, the president and creative director of GUESS, Inc. has brought herinternational exposure and worldwide recognition. At age 15, Laetitia's interest in modeling wassparked when she was discovered by a photographer while laying on a beach with her family. While ona trip to Paris shortly after, Paul Marciano selected her to make her debut with GUESS in anadvertising campaign shot by Neil Kirk in Jamaica in October 1994.Since then, she has worked for GUESS in many campaigns as the GUESS Girl. Now 20, her latestGUESS campaign, ''Stretch,'' was shot by photographer Dewey Nicks, in beautiful Palm Springs andLaguna Beac, CA. Happy and healthy, she currently lives in Paris with her mother, father, older brotherand younger sister.When her hectic schedule allows, Laetitia enjoys car racing with her friends, traveling, cooking with hermom and spending time with her 7 year old sister. Laetitia also has a brown belt in Judo.She feels that her experience with Judo has helped her in her modeling career to have control, to setlimits for herself, to not be aggressive and to think with her mind not with her emotions.With a great sense of humor and a good head on her shoulders, Laetitia looks forward to a brightfuture. For now, Laetitia ''would like to continue modeling for as long as she can'', but she is interestedin getting married and having a family someday.She said that acting is also something that she would be interested in doing in the very near future.Confident and self-assured, her motto remains, ''If there's someone knocking at my door, I will open it.''
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